= 2.1.1 (June 8, 2017) = - Increase "Page to Feature" list transient caching time from 1 to 4 hours following no reported problems since 2.1.0 release. - [Fix] Revise widget query to avoid conflict with plugins including Events Manager. [Props @betyonfire](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/custom-post-types-appear-in-widget-but-not-on-page/) - Improve inline documentation thoroughness, clearness, and formatting - Increase and standardize whitespace throughout plugin = 2.1.0 (May 18, 2017) = * [New] Implement caching on Widgets admin screen for massive performance improvements (70-80% reduction in query time in testing) on sites with lots of pages and multiple widgets. * [Fix] Make sure layout previews appear in browsers other than Chrome. * [Fix] Update layout image to SVG in supporting browsers so it stays crisp on zoomed pages. * Update Chosen to 1.7.0 * Rename enqueued Chosen CSS handle to "chosen" (previously "chosen_css") to hopefully reduce potential for plugin and theme conflicts. * Technical note: The select list HTML is now saved as a transient that expires after 1 hour. The transient is also reset after any time a supported published post is first published or updated. There were no problems during testing, but please be sure to [open a support ticket](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/feature-a-page-widget) if you have problems with the "Page to Feature." * Removed 2.0 upgrade info and pre-2.0 documentation. See old version of plugin readme to access that information. * See also: 2.0.11 changelog = 2.0.11 (March 31, 2017 - Not publicly released on wordpress.org) = * [Fix] "Read More" link screen reader text should always contain title, even when "Hide Title" option is true. * [Fix] Correct logic to hide widgets that don't have a set featured page ID. * [Workaround] Added way to disable widget select list to resolve performance problems when above fix is still insufficient. Use `add_filter( 'fpw_temp_memory_fix', '__return_true' );` * Theoretical query performance improvements on Widgets admin screen * Remove redundant `esc_attr()` ([Props @flyjam](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/using-filter-at-widget_title-to-have-tags-in-it/)) * Ditch PHP "typecasting" with `(int)` for `intval()` * Cleaned up readme following new plugin repo design. = 2.0.10 (April 29, 2016) = * **[Important Notice] Feature a Page Widget now requires WordPress 3.9 or higher.** * [Fix] Custom Sidebars compatibility fix. = 2.0.9 (March 29, 2016) = * [Fix] Restore compatibility with Site Origin Page Builder plugin = 2.0.8 (March 28, 2016) = * [Fix] Inexplicable partial update caused old script names to attempt to be loaded. This completes the 2.0.7 update of Chosen and should resolve any issues. = 2.0.7 (March 27, 2016) = * [New] Support "selective refresh" feature in WordPress 4.5 for faster previews when using the widget in the customizer. * Update Chosen to 1.5.1 * Bump "Tested up to:" to 4.5 = 2.0.6 (Dec 15, 2015) = * [Fix] Add isset checks to resolve AJAX warnings. ([Props @maxwelton.](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/ajax-php-warning)) * [Fix] Support WPML in dropdown page list via `suppress_filters`. (Thanks, Maarten.) * [Security][i18n] Escape translated strings for improved security. * [Fix] Show Help Text again on Contextual Help tab of widget screen. * [Layout] Center images if they don't fill full-width of widget. = 2.0.5 (Sep 7, 2015) = * [i18n] New Dutch translation. Thanks to [Patrick Catthoor](https://profiles.wordpress.org/pc1271)! * [i18n News] If you have translation for this plugin, I would love to include it, ideally before the [move to translate.wordpress.org for plugins](https://make.wordpress.org/plugins/2015/09/01/plugin-translations-on-wordpress-org/). [Contact me](http://mrwweb.com/contact/) if you're interested. * Bump "Tested to:" number = 2.0.4 (Aug 28, 2015) = - [Fix] Compatibility fix for WPMU Custom Sidebars (Thanks [oxygensmith for reporting](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/conflict-with-wpmu-custom-sidebars?replies=1)) - [i18n] New Italian translation. Thanks to [Carmine Scaglione](https://profiles.wordpress.org/scaglione). = 2.0.3 (May 29, 2015) = * [i18n] Spanish Translations. Thanks to [Luuuciano](https://wordpress.org/support/profile/luuuciano)! = 2.0.2 (May 1, 2015) = * [Fix] One string missing i18n. (Thanks, Maciej Gryniuk!) * [Fix] Prevent clipped radio buttons with browser zoom. * [New] `fpw_read_more_ellipsis` to filter punctuation in read more link. [Forum request.](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/excerpt-ellipses?replies=2#post-6861677) * [i18n] Polish Translation from Maciej Gryniuk! (Update .pot file too.) * [New] Added missing space in "Read More" link noted in ["WordPress Plugin Review: Feature a Page Widget."](http://beyond-paper.com/wordpress-plugin-review-feature-a-page-widget/) * [Documentation] New sticky [Support Forum post about accessible read more link](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/does-your-read-more-link-say-read-more-about-title). = 2.0.1 (April 19, 2015) = * [Fix] Give `fieldset` a full `name` attribute to avoid SiteOrigin Page Builder error. * [New] Explicitly support SiteOrigin Page Builder via new script/style enqueues and JS event bindings. * [Change] Rename "Chosen" library slug CSS/JS to hopefully avoid conflicts with other bundled versions. * [Change] Remove priority of enqueues in admin. Not really sure why it was there in the first place... = 2.0.0 (April 14, 2015) = * **MAJOR UPDATE** Requires WordPress 3.8+. New template override system. Please update templates ASAP. * [New] Updated widget form design matches WordPress 3.8 admin and replaces all but one image with Dashicons. * [New] Options for hiding Title, Image, and Excerpt and adding "Read More" link. * [New] Features Posts by default! (And new filter for adding other post types!) * [New] Changes to templates for great flexibility. (Old templates will partially still work but support may be removed in future versions.) * [New] Filters for adding post types, modifying "Read More" link, adding custom layouts, and more! * [New] Docblock commenting throughout plugin for better in-code documentation. * [Change] Rename widget title to "Feature a Page" in admin. * [Fix] Remove `/assets/` folder from plugin package for faster downloads. * [Fix] Drop hAtom support because it was broken without author and date. (Would you like to see schema.org support? Let me know.) * [New] Introduce plugin compatibility fixes for Jetpack, DiggDigg, and podPress. * Various small CSS changes to widget layouts for [hopefully] improved consistency. * Reorganized files, WordPress code formatting improvements, and cleaner markup in most places * Remove use of `extract()` for more readable code. * [i18n] German translation files by [Christoph Toschko](https://profiles.wordpress.org/jomit/). Thanks, Christoph! * [i18n] Serbian translation from Ogi Djuraskovic of [FirstSiteGuide.com](http://firstsiteguide.com/). Thanks, Ogi! * [Update] Update Chosen JS library to v1.4.2. = 1.2.5 (September 27, 2013) = * [Fix] Removed compatibility "fixes" for Digg Digg and PodPress. See support forum for details and recommended fixes. * Thanks to [@phrenq](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/phrenq) for troubleshooting help. = 1.2.4 (September 18, 2013) = * [Fix] Page selection menu no longer disappears after saving widget in WordPress 3.6. * [Fix] Remove `the_excerpt` filters for Digg Digg and podPress plugins before outputting widget excerpt. * [Fix] Add class to `
` wrapper to consistently apply bottom-margin to Widget Title, Page Title, and Image * [Improvement] Minor CSS tweaks to admin interface. * [Improvement] Only load frontend CSS if widget is active. * [New] Example stylesheet added to `/css/fpw_start_styles.css`. * [Update] Now using Chosen v1.0.0! (Dev note: new CSS classes & events) * [News] This bug fix update should be the last one before v1.5.0 which will include new features including the ability to feature Posts! = 1.2.3 = * [Fix] Modification to widget HTML. Wrap excerpt in div element, not paragraph. Developers: If you have changed the `fpw_default.php` files, please make this change in line 66. Overly-specific CSS selectors (e.g. `p.fpw-excerpt`) may break on this change. * [Notice] Developers, please copy the `/fpw_views/` folder to your theme rather than modifying the core plugin file. = 1.2.2 = * [New] Apply `the_excerpt` and `get_the_excerpt` filters to excerpt in widget. * [New] First-pass at qTranslate support * [New] Tested with Advanced Excerpt plugin * Tested with 3.6-beta2 = 1.2.1 = * "Read More" filter fix. * Accessibility mode invisible "Page Select List" fix. * Upgraded to most recent version of Chosen script. (And included Chosen MIT License for clarity.) = 1.2.0 = * New "Page Status" instant feedback determines whether the featured image and excerpt are set for selected page. * New contextual help. (And access to it via help button in widget settings.) * Fixed Rich Text Excerpts support * Minor JS improvement: Only reactivate "chosen" script on saved widget instance. = 1.1.2 = * Fixed image-size class. = 1.1.1 = * Fixed version number and plugin update hook. * Added post classes & hAtom markup to widget view (see [thread](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/applying-a-ahover-featured-image-possible?replies=5)). If you have customized `fpw_default.php`, review changes to the template (see [diff #644501](http://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/644501#file1), lines 31-32, 37, 66) and update your copy to take advantage of new classes. * Added known incompatibilites list to "Other Notes" section. = 1.1.0 = * Tested for WordPress 3.5 support. * Fixed i18n issues. Added `.pot` file and `/languages/` folder. * Only load admin scripts & styles on widgets page. * Added support for ["Rich Text Excerpts" plugin](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rich-text-excerpts/). = 1.0.0 = * Public release into repository. * Thanks to awesome tester: [Jeremy Green](http://endocreative.com/) (clearfix!) = 0.9.5 = * Private beta release for #wpseattle. * Awesome new icons to indicate whether page has featured image and/or excerpt. * Fix for fatal error. That was bad. * Change `require_once()` to `require()` to allow multiple widget instances. * Fix for select list not working when widget first added to sidebar. * Some other small CSS compatibility tweaks. * Significantly more complete `readme.txt`. * Caught some strings missing i18n. Pig Latin plugin says this is i18n ready. * Lots more testing on themes and with Developer plugin. * Thanks to awesome testers: [Bob Dunn](http://BobWP.com) and [Grant Landram](http://GrantLandram.com) = 0.9.0 = * Initial private alpha release. * Thanks to awesome tester: [Christine Winckler](http://ChristineTheDesigner.com)